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RFID scanners

RFID sensors are devices for contactless reading and data collection using RFID technology. They are used in logistics, warehousing, security systems and access control. They can operate at different frequencies and read the information stored in the RFID tag. The sensors enable authentication, tracking and data recording. There are many designs, from fixed mounted to portable sensors. They are a key element for efficient management and tracking of objects and products.
pcProx Plus 82 Series Wallmount Black USB Reader
Čtečky karet RF IDeas pcProx Plus řady 82 jsou určeny pro zákazníky, kteří chtějí využít své stávající identifikační průkazy zaměstnanců tím, že je integrují do aplikací mimo fyzickou bezpečnost. Čtečky mají schopnost číst bezkontaktní karty s frekve
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RDR-805W1AKU pcProx Plus Enroll Surface Mount Black USB Reader
RDR-805W1AKU pcProx Plus Enroll Surface Mount Black USB Reader USB models connect directly to a USB port and can be configured to send data as keystroking, non-keystroking or serial ASCII. RS-232 models connect to a serial port and send
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RDR-6E81AKU WAVE ID® Solo Keystroke EM410x Black USB Reader
RDR-805W1AKU pcProx Plus Enroll Surface Mount Black USB Reader USB models connect directly to a USB port and can be configured to send data as keystroking, non-keystroking or serial ASCII. RS-232 models connect to a serial port and send
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