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Embedded MB PC/104

Embedded MB PC/104 is a compact motherboard with high durability and expandability for embedded systems.
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CM4-SL2-6102E-8G-8G-ETT-CC PCI/104-Express Type 1 SBC, Intel core i3-6102E (max.1.9GHz), 8GB DDR4 ECC, 8GB SLC SATA-SSD, -40C to 85C
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Jednodeskový počítač Em104-i230F-I-WT-E3825 je PC/104 CPU modul s procesorem Intel Atom E3845 o frekvenci 1,33 GHz.
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Jednodeskový počítač Em104-i230F-I-WT-E3845 je PC/104 CPU modul s procesorem Intel Atom E3845 o frekvenci 1,91 GHz. Provozní teplota -40 ~ 85°C.
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