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Klávesnice K-tEK-M272-FN-DT, silicone keyboard, desktop, 88 kláves, IP68

88 keys IP68 dynamic sealed & ruggedized industrial silicone rubber Hygienic contamination-proof keyboard with full keyboard functionalities with FN (F1, F2...F12) on upper line,gold-finish PCB with carbon-on-gold key switch technology with long stro

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83 keys IP68 dynamic sealed & ruggedized silicone rubber Industrial keyboard, 12 function keys on top line for easy operation, industrial PCB with carbon-on-gold key switch technology with long stroke (1.50mm) with extremely good tactile feeling for fast and accurate data input without any noise, with durable coating & antimicrobial keyboard surface withstand to most chemicals and liquids under harsh environment, FN + CLEAN combination key for easy cleaning via lock/disable whole keyboard without needing to take keyboard from PC, stand alone desk top version with sealed aluminum metal housing with sand blasting & oxygenation surface treatment, industrial level, adjustable industrial backlight included. Military level optional. Dimensions: 300.0mm x 142.9mm x 22.9mm (L x W x H)



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